Wisdom of Druidry
The teachings of Druidry are rooted in the observation of Nature, in...
Wheel of the Year
Basing itself on this deep and mysterious connection between the Source of...
Wild Food & Foraging
Welcome to our Wild Food & Foraging Collection, a curated selection of...
Oracles, Divination & Magic
In ancient times Druids used many methods of divination: from simple weather-witching...
Children's Collection
A collection of beautiful children's books for every age group that encourage...
History & Ancient Sites
All of the Earth is sacred to Druids, but certain places seem...
Gift ideas
Stuck for ideas for what to give your special someone? Here we...
Mind, Body, Spirit & Ritual
In using meditation to enter the Otherworld, Druids use techniques of inner...
Music, Fiction & Poetry
"Druidry is a spirituality of simple things - of place and time,...
Trees, Plants & Nature
Tree lore: Druids love trees and often visit trees and woods to...
Seconds & Last Copies **SALE**
Occasionally some of our range becomes damaged or out of print/end of...